frequently asked questions

What is a microdermabrasion treatment and is it painful?

Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical facial resurfacing technique, in which fine crystals are used under pressure to exfoliate the outermost layer of dead skin cells (the stratum corneum) and vacuum them away, leaving your skin feeling softer and smoother. Although it is mildly uncomfortable no pain relief is required, it just feels a bit scratchy. 

What is is Microdermabrasion used to treat and how many treatments do I need?

The skin rejuvenating effects of microdermabrasion are great for minimising enlarged pores and refining skin texture. As it removes the uneven buildup of dead skin cells on the surface of your skin, and promotes a more even skin cell turnover, improvements in tone, scarring and some mild pigmentation can be seen. For reduction of a skin issue, eg, scarring, enlarged pores, mild pigmentation, 6-10 treatments spaced 4wkly apart is ideal. Otherwise for a general freshen up and skin rejuvenation a single treatment can be undertaken when required. 

How frequently should I have a facial treatment?

4 weekly is the recommended time frame between regular facial treatments, this will help to provide your skin with optimum hydration and keep it free from dead skin buildup. 

What is SNS nail systems and who is it for?

SNS nails are a hybrid nail system, sort of a cross between Gel and Acrylic that forms an artificial nail coating over the top of your existing nail. It is applied by painting a layer of a "gel" then dipping the nail straight into an "acrylic" type powder. These nails have been a very popular method, as they have the strength of an acrylic nail, but are as light on your nail as a gel, or perhaps even lighter. It dries instantly and you can have a "permanent" colour, French or clear applied. 

What's the difference between an overlay and a "full set"?

An overlay of SNS means the product is applied over your own natural nail. No length is added to your own nails. If you require extra length on your natural nails, then a Full Set is required. A Full Set is when an artificial tip is adhered to your own natural nails to create extra length and form a base for product to be applied to. This process does take a bit longer to allow for correct sizing, shaping and blending of Tip. So in short;
If you want your nails longer, book in a Full Set of SNS. If you are happy with your nail length, just an Overlay will be sufficient. 

tanning faqs

When is the best time to get my tan done?
The best time to get your spray tan done is 1-2 days prior to your planned event.
This allows time for the tan to settle into the skin and show it's "true colour", and also allows time for any touch ups if necessary.
What should I wear?
During the tanning process you may wear as little or as much as you would like to to get your desired results. We can provide disposable underwear and shower caps, and towelling for draping as well.
After your tan it is suggested to wear loose dark clothing, and preferably no bra straps for at least an hour after to maintain an even, flawless tan. I suggest pants or a long dress to ensure backs of knees and legs are protected from direct contact with car seats, chairs etc.
How do I prepare my body for tanning?
Ensure any hair removal is done 12-24hrs prior to tanning, this allows time for hair follicles to repair and avoid skin reactions. Do not apply any moisturiser, creams, lotions, oils or deodorants to the skin prior to tanning as this May effect results. If you have applied any of these, please let your therapist know so we can arrange some cleansing form to remove it prior to your procedure. Avoid contact with water u til the development time is complete.
For best results:
Use a sulphate free body wash, moisturise regularly and gently exfoliate or loofah after 2-3days to ensure an even non-patchy, long lasting result. 

What's the difference between a bikini line wax, extended bikini, and full bikini/brazilian wax?

An extended bikini can be many different waxing styles. Generally speaking it may be as per standard bikini line on the front, then waxing all the hair around the back/ behind.
A Brazilian or Full Bikini wax is when all the hair is removed from the front and back. (some people may choose to leave a strip of hair). 

How can I prevent ingrown hairs?

By regularly exfoliating and moisturising skin will be kept moist, supple and prevent dead skin buildup over follicle openings to allow hairs to grow through easily, and not get stuck under causing the ingrown hair. Another option if you are particularly prone to ingrown hairs (sometimes naturally curly hair may curl before it gets to the surface, or you just may be more susceptible) is application of an ingrown specialty serum, cream or body wash. 


What is a tint?
A tint is the application of skin safe dye to colour the eyelashes or eyebrow hairs, to enhance the appearance of them and frame the face nicely. Many guests with sensitivities to mascaras etc will get a tint to minimise their need for use of mascara and liners etc. and darken their lashes for long term results in just 15mins.
How long does a tint last?
An eyebrow tint usually lasts approx. 4-6 weeks ( just fades away slowly)
An eyelash tint usually lasts approx 6-8 weeks and as with the eyebrow tint begins to grow out and fade out, not dissimilar to a usual hair colour.